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Ohio Pics

Pics from Around the Buckeye State

CSX 8858In new Paint Scheme @ stanley Yard

CSX 234 AC4400CW Needmore Yard Dayton Ohio

CSX 402 AC4400CW leading with 234 and 69 loads of Coke Express Cars

CSX 709 SD70AC

CSX 2700 GP38-2

different filter of NS 54 SD9M

RUNAWAY loco stanley yard

NS 54 on the weekend

MRL 307 on lease to NS

All EMD consist Norht/south line Oak Harbor

same unit as above

NS 8307 and MRL 307 fostoria ohio

NS 8307 C40-8 ex conrail repaint

angle shot of MRL 307

CSX C40-8W inside

rent a wreck out the window

rent a wreck outside down the long hood

rent a wreck rear

deshler firepit

inmature foamers in deshler

me and my passion on the CSX